Why I’m Taking Action on the Direction of This Podcast + The Inside Scoop on Our Podcast Rebrand

Confession time! Way back in the very beginning, when I created this podcast, it was a little bit selfishly motivated. I love podcasts, specifically crime series. I love the format, I love the storytelling. I also love personal development and business podcasts and how helpful they can be in helping you get to where you want to go in life and also providing entertainment when that feels right. 

And while I am so thankful for you being along this crazy journey of When I Grow Up, I've done some soul searching, I've done some thinking. I consulted a lawyer and some business friends and I want to let you in on the secret, which is we're going to rebrand. I know, it seems scary. But I'm really excited because I know this is actually going to allow me to serve you and your business goals better. 

Why We Are Rebranding The Podcast

I'm here vulnerably, and honestly, to tell you why we are rebranding the podcast. I also want to tell you how we got here and help prepare you so you know what to expect moving forward to make sure this is still the podcast for you. 

So first things first, we're branding because we need something to be a better fit. 

How The When I Grow Up Podcast Came To Be

The true story of how When I Grow Up came to be was a need (at the time) to tell inspiring stories. With COVID and other stuff going on in the world, everything felt so dark and heavy. To me this podcast was actually a response to that. 

When I Grow Up was a way for people to see how others accomplished things, how they overcame obstacles, and what they want to accomplish in their life or in their business. I wanted people to feel encouraged and supported in their journeys. 

While that was a fun ride and a great journey, what happened is the podcast got to a place where it became a free for all. All kinds of different people were on, all kinds of different goals and intentions. 

But in my bones, I feel it's time to take my business and my podcast in specific direction. And I need to buckle in and be a little bit more niche and more specific. My hope is that you stay along for the ride. 

What This Rebrand Means For The Podcast

So let me tell you what that means. We're really focusing on one thing here: the execution on goals. Specifically sharing lessons of people who have made shit happen in their life. 

It's going to be for business owners and leaders, anyone who has a goal, or a desire to pivot or even a struggle they're hoping to overcome. 

My intent is that you leave feeling not just inspired but also motivated. And I want to equip you with the tools so you’re ready to go run with the new thing. I believe that the combination of all those things is so important. 

What To Expect In Future Episodes

That means episodes are going to be shorter, especially solo episodes. Instead of having a long rambling, Kelsey session, it'll be 15 to hopefully 20 minutes of tactical support for whatever we're talking about. 

It means we're going to be doing a live video series where we're recording people who are going to apply to be on the show and be hotseat coached by me. I'm super excited about that. 

You'll be able to listen to it auditory, or on YouTube, if you want to watch the video version. We're also going to have really specific special guests. I am so protective of you listening. I want the best of the best but I also want real people who you can relate to and whose stories inspire you. I want their stories to feel relevant as if they are walking maybe a step or two ahead of you. I think that's so important. So we're going to be hyper-intentional about who we welcome for each guest episode. 

Full transparency for those wanting to start a podcast. If you ever have questions, please email me at info@kelseymarieknutson.com because I'm an open book about it. But a lot of people actually do want to be on podcasts. If your reason for not starting a podcast is because you're concerned you're not going to have enough guests, you will not have an issue. You go to pod match, you download it, you tell Alex the CEO I sent you over there, and you will get a flood of people wanting to be on your show, which is both a blessing and a curse. It got to a point where I can't even log into the app anymore because too many people want to be on my show, which is a huge compliment. 

Our episodes are going to be broken down into two solo episodes a month, you and me hanging out on a specific topic. We're going to have that live application-based hotseat coaching video series once a month and we're going to have a special guest once a month. That's it. We're keeping it simple. We're keeping it really tactical. And I feel really good about it. 

Going All In On & Taking Action

If you're following me on social media, you'll notice a shift in how I'm choosing to show up and how I'm promoting myself and my business. I'm really stepping into the space of action. I think that is my superpower, I help guide people in it. I support the strategy and the actual doing of it. I think it's the biggest marker of success and the clients that I've worked with take action. 

And I want this podcast to be in that same vein. Now, does that mean things are drastically changing? I would venture to guess, No. If you've listened to most episodes, it's going to feel pretty similar. 

If anything, it's just going to be even more laser focused –and I think that's a good thing. Because our time is precious. Though it's nice to hang out for a half hour, 45 minutes, even sometimes an hour, the truth is, we don't always have that kind of time. And that's okay. 

But I wanted to share this update with you. Because you have been so amazing and supportive for years now with this podcast and this shift affects you and I wanted you to have the heads up to know what's coming. 

The branding, the new vibe, the direction we're taking is fun and it's punchy. My mom winces a little bit when I say the name out loud, but I think it's going to serve you best. 

Because my purpose in life, my why behind everything I do is to help people take action so they live an authentic life with purpose. That's it. 

The podcast is going to be a tool to help you do that. 

How To Get Involved In The Rebranding Podcast

Remember, we're having this special unique opportunity where guests can come and be hotseat coached. If you're local to the Puyallup, Washington area or even Seattle, Washington area and you have a business thing that you want to launch or something you want to put out into the world –do me a huge favor. Message me on Instagram or via email and ask to be on the show. 

If that's something you feel would be a great fit for you and your business and if you’re interested at all, get connected with me because I think this could be a really cool opportunity for you too. 

I just wanted you to be in the know as a special bonus perk. Thank you for being so supportive and part of this group for so long. I love this platform. I have not missed a week since we launched and I've had some dark times. You've been around long enough to hear those stories and the journey of dark, light, terrible and amazing stuff happening. I just have to say thank you for supporting me and my business through that. I hope that I can provide that for you too. 

So let's continue on this ride. I'll have more information to share with you in the next month. New colors, new name, new vibe, maybe some new resources. 


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