5 tips to unplug successfully

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Hey there, if ya didn't know, I spent the last few weeks of August 2020 driving around the country and NOT working for 10 whole days. To you that may not seem like a big deal, but to me, it was huge.

In launching my online business Gather + Grow, I loved the idea of working from anywhere. But in this specific situation, I wanted to completely unplug. I felt it was important. And I wanted to prove to myself that I could in fact do it.

And now that I'm on the other side of things, I thought I'd share how I was able to do it all. Hopefully it will give you some framework to work off of for your next vacation or staycation! So here we go, the top 5 tips to successfully turn your business on autopilot.

  1. What's your goal: Are you launching? Serving? Promoting your e-mail list? Start with identifying your goal during this time, then work backwards.

  2. Map out a plan: With your goal in mind, write out everything you need to create to get there. Blog, e-mail, social media posts, etc. List it all out then prioritize it.

  3. Get to work: Create your content, start with the bigger items then create the smaller ones.

  4. Automate: Schedule as much as you can to autopost. If you can't, e-mail, save in phone notes, create a hack that will make it easy for you to post from! I often label things with post date and social media outlet (i.e. 8/22 FB) to remind me where and when to post.

  5. Permission to share: By doing 1-4 you won't feel obligated to create content on the spot. But if you're experiencing something cool, don't be afraid to share it! And if you just want to hangup and hangout, do that to!


All in all, I hope this reminds you why you chose to be an entrepreneur. You deserve the hustle and bustle of a business you love AND the freedom to go enjoy life too. You now have the tools (and permission!) to go and have some FUN. Now log off, schedule that out of office, and go soak up that sun!


Happy Hustling,



P.S. If you want to learn the HOW of all this goodness, check out Grow Academy: RIGHT HERE. We help build systems to make money, marketing, and overall business easier to manage! 


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