How to set goals you'll actually want to achieve

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We've all been there. Finished that life changing self help book that leaves us feeling like we can concur the world. We dream up a new idea then spend the next few days scrolling Instagram for "inspiration." Well then what? Crickets.

That idea of yours? It's not going to come to fruition in the back pages of Big Magic or Girl Wash Your Face or You Are A Badass. It's not going to happen with Tony Robbins yelling in your earbuds or Brendon Burchard gesturing excitedly through YouTube. It's going to happen because you made it.

Do you want to know how to do that? Keep reading and then when you're done, set down your phone and get to work!

1. Say it out loud. Your goal has to be specific, laser focused. If it's to live a happy life, define what happy means! If it's to not worry about money, start with a number! Then tell someone who will hold you accountable.

2. Start big and work backwards. Is your goal to pay off debt? Great. Start with the total number then work backwards. What accounts have the highest rate? What accounts have the least debt? Choose what will be easiest to start with then build a plan. And of course, stick to it.

3. Stay focused. Maybe you're like me and have a solid 10 goals at one time. You've already picked one, so stay focused on this one first! You can tackle the rest later. Also this is usually the point where you get lost in Canva or Pinterest looking at pretty things. Stop. Focus on taking actual steps that will bring your goal to life. You can make it look good later.

4. Acknowledge what you already know, learn what you don't. Say you want to start a podcast. Here's what you already know: what you want to talk about, how often, what to name it, where to share it. Things you'd need to learn: what gear to get, how to record, how to edit, how to post. Make a prioritized list of what items you need to learn, then do them.

5. Celebrate and set another goal. Always pause to celebrate those little victories. After a good celebration reflect then start a new goal. This will keep you moving forward and ever evolving. If you ever feel stagnant or bitter chances are you don't have a goal or you aren't working towards one!

And if you want a step by step guide for this, you can grab a FREE one right here. Either way, think of a goal as a moving target you're aiming for. Without one, you're just wandering around aimlessly. And I don't know about you, but that's not how I choose to live my life.


Happy Hustling,



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