What are you waiting for?

Kelsey marie knutson business coach.jpg

I'm writing this for you, yes, but my intentions are also a little bit selfish. I write this because I need to hear it too. I think we can all agree 2020 has been a crazy year. And I too got caught up in all of the unpredictable, anxiety, fear of the unknown. I waited in virtual line for my federal grant and unemployment just like the rest of them. I caught myself saying things like, "when things go back to normal," and "after covid." And then I woke up.

I don't know when my "wake up" happened but at some point, I realized my mindset was all wrong. WHAT WAS I WAITING FOR? I've been writing "I am a successful business coach" in my journal for months. MONTHS. Yet all I had was a website and a clever bio on Instagram. And the crazy part? I've pressed start amongst chaos before.

The first time I waited for the "perfect" moment was beauty school. I told myself I wouldn't enroll until I had enough cash saved up to pay for it all. Weird thing about a goal like that is as you make money, despite your best efforts, you also spend it. Which is what I did. At some point I got fed up with waiting, quit my 9-5, and just went for it. I stumbled on a scholarship that paid for half of my tuition and started school 3 months later.

The next pivotal moment was opening my salon. I had left my first salon job and prepared to open. As my boyfriend was a full time student. Making $0. And hopefully, fingers crossed, transferring to the local university in the fall. Talk about motivation to make it work! My backup plan? Get more clients in my chair. Or worst case I knew the McDonalds down the street was hiring.

I was able to hit over $100k in sales, pay off all debt, and save for retirement in year one. All of this while supporting my partner. I attribute a lot of my success to jumping before the net was there. And finding success out of necessity. 

I don't write this to brag or put you down. Instead I hope to remind you that you've done this before. WE'VE done this before. And if you're wanting to start, pivot, grow, change then you have to do it. Period. The perfect moment isn't going to hold out for you. Maybe a little struggle will help you build a better business.

And if you're already in business but need some extra help, don't hesitate to ask. I offer VIP Coaching for current business owners feeling stuck or ready to grow, you can read more about that here: VIP Coaching. And if I'm not your person, that's fine! Just know that asking for help isn't failure. It's a turbo boost to get you where you want to go. Either way I am cheering you on!

Here is my start during a crazy 2020. I'm done waiting for things to just happen for me. Today I am choosing to take charge and persevere. And I challenge you to do the same. 





How to set goals you'll actually want to achieve


How Covid19 changed my "normal"