Make more time in your day

growth May 19, 2020

I hate the New Year. Okay, that’s pretty dramatic. But what I really mean is, why do people only choose one time of the entire year to better themselves? They say, “this will be the year I do xyz.” Then mid way through February they’re back to binging Netflix and ordering take out. Why. Are. We. Like. This.

My challenge to you (and me) is that we commit to living a better life. I don’t care if that’s as simple as trying to smile more or as difficult as being debt free. I just feel like we could all do better! 

The clouds really started parting when I deleted this little game called Empires and Puzzles off my iPhone. I was playing it a ton yet, “didn’t have time to read, or blog, or workout”. I literally had to get rid of it to come to terms with how much time I was wasting on the game. 

With my new found time, I started paying more attention to how I use my down time: Instagram, Facebook, napping, watching Netflix, binging true crime podcasts, youtubing pointless things, the list goes on. I slowly started decreasing and even eliminating my time doing these things. And something profound happened.

I realized all of those distractions are really designed to keep us yearning for more yet unable to achieve it. We look at all of these people who inspire us, living the life we want, yet we don’t take steps to change our own situation.  I wonder what would happen if we stopped comparing ourselves to all of the people online we don’t even know and instead started creating the life we wanted to live?

So, as this year ends its first half, think about what you really want for the next 6 months. Are you truly happy with your life? I know for me, I’ve made a lot of progress, but there is still work to be done. What would be the first thing you'd cut out of your life? Diet coke? Daily Netflix binges? Limiting time on social media? Start there and start pursing the things that fill up your mind, body, and spirit.


Happy Hustling,


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